Brycarda's Sauvignon Blanc
Tocino's Matrix x Tocino's Chardonnay
Sauvignon Blanc is a premium vintage! She is a solid, straight, very white female with fineness, handle, character, AND density. Her FIRST shearing produced 8.4 pounds of glossy loveliness, resulting in top marks for blanket fleece weight at every fleece show entered! In her second year, she sheared 10.4lbs while carrying her first cria. Her EPDs indicate she will pass on her fleece traits, including density.
Show Record
First place:
2019 ALPACA Spring Halter
2019 ALPACA Fleece
Second place:
2022 ALPACA Spring Halter
Third place:
2019 SABN Fleece
Fourth place:
2019 CNASF
2019 WCAC Fleece
2019 WCAC Composite
2020 Brycarda's Ajax (Yellow Star's Isaac) - has placed second in class
2021 Brycarda's Amethyst (Tocino's Genesis Express)
2023 Brycarda's Cobalt (FDA Divine Love's Regal Express)