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Rocky Pines Raven
Raven is a true black female with an excellent staple length. Her EPDs place her in the top 1% for MSL, and her 2021 offspring, Brycarda's Orpheus has proven it! She has a beautiful square conformation and good size.
2021 Brycarda's Orpheus (Tocino's Zaire)
2023 Bycarda's Osiris (Enchanted's Bragi)

Brycarda's Crescendo
BAL Tahir x Brycarda's Chianti
Crescendo is a large, square juvenile female who weaned at 120 pounds. A beautiful dark fawn colour, with a large square frame, she is fine, and has a great staple length. Her first fleece was an enviable 8 pounds.

Snow Diamond Qurly Q
Sunny Mesa's Ares de Archangel x Derwydd Manchu's Qispiqay
Qurly is a welcome addition to our breeding program with excellent conformation and fantastic fleece stats and EPD's.
Offspring:​ Snow Diamond Augustin (2016)